HomeBlogMusic Marketing and PromotionTikTok for musicians: 15 content ideas to get more followers

TikTok for musicians: 15 content ideas to get more followers

TikTok has grown into a great place for musicians to show off their skills, interact with fans, and get more friends. Armus Digital not only helps artists get their music out there, but we also give them advice on how to make the most of their online profile. Here are 15 ideas for videos that artists can post on TikTok to get more views.

  1. Play cover songs live

Use your own style to sing well-known songs. This can bring in fans of the original singer and show off your musical skills.

  1. Share your own music

Share short clips of your unique songs on a regular basis. You can get people to use your music in their videos by using TikTok’s sound tool.

  1. Content from behind the scenes

Show your fans how you come up with your ideas, whether it’s writing songs, recording, or practicing.

  1. Challenges with music

Make your own music contests or join existing ones. These can quickly go viral and make you more visible on the site.

  1. Play in a duet with other musicians

Use TikTok’s “duet” tool to work with other artists. This can help you meet their fans and let them meet yours.

Sixth: How-tos and Tips

Give out how-to guides for playing your songs or general music advice. This makes you look like an expert and brings in people who want to become artists.

  1. Q&A sessions

Hold Q&As where your fans can ask you questions about your music, what inspires you, and your work.

  1. Telling stories

Tell us about the songs you write. This makes it easier for people to connect with your songs.

9. Videos of Reactions

What do you think about fan-made covers of your songs or popular music videos? This gets people involved and tells your fans that you appreciate them.

  1. Participation in Trends

Discover new TikTok trends and come up with creative ways to use your songs in them.

  1. Put your gear on display

Show off your instruments, give tours of your studio, or talk about the gear you use. Tech-savvy music fans might be interested in this.

  1. Highlights from live shows

Share clips from your live shows or online events. This shows how energetic and present you are on stage.

  1. Interactions with Fans

Draw attention to fan art, covers, or words. This lets your fans know you appreciate them and makes them more likely to make content for you.

  1. Everyday Life

Talk about things that aren’t related to music, like your hobbies and daily life. This helps you connect with your audience on a more human level.

No. 15: Teasers and announcements

Tell people about new music, show dates, or other exciting news on TikTok. Tease projects that are coming up to get people excited.

Final Thoughts

TikTok is a dynamic tool that musicians can use to get more fans and interact with them in new ways. You can use TikTok’s reach to help your music business if you keep posting new videos and interact with other users. Armus Digital is here to help you get your music out there and make the most of your online profile.

This is about Armus Digital:

Armus Digital is a platform for distributing music that helps artists get their songs heard all over the world. It lets you quickly distribute your music to more than 150 platforms, get paid every month, protect your content, earn performance royalties, and use label services. The platform lets artists upload their music, choose which stores to distribute it in, give collaborators, and make UPC and ISRC codes. Armus Digital makes sure that music can be heard all over the world and is properly made money by forming agreements with many digital service providers.

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